The HGPF Remains A Leading Provident and Retirement Fund in South Africa

The HGPF Continues To Lead the Way Forward in Pension and Retirement Funds in South Africa

Some Of Our Clients
Regional Forum 2017
Twice every year, an HGPF delegation (along with administrator Borwa Financial Services) meets Member Representatives across the country to conduct face-to-face sessions called Regional Forums. These are held in each Region. Every participating company should be represented in the meeting!
Presentations cover topics like updates on fund performance, updates on changes in the retirement funds industry, Member Reps Training & Education on Fund Issues Member Reps Escalating Workplace Issues & Recommendations, and others. This event is one of the features that sets HGPF apart from any other fund in South Africa.
September 2021
Annual events that require financial planning
Financial planning Borwa Financial Services is a Licensed Financial Services [...]
3 Factors that influence spending behaviour
Spending behaviour In the current economic landscape, there are fundamental [...]
How to protect yourself from financial cybercrime
We keep handling more and more of our financial affairs [...]
April 2021
Why DIY is not the answer to your financial problems
When it comes to finances, many people don’t like sharing [...]
March 2021
4 Tricks to help you escalate the growth of your pension
When it comes to planning for your retirement, your main [...]
February 2021
How to manage your money after retirement
Many people plan for retirement for decades, ensuring that their [...]